Monday 25 February 2013 1 comments
Step 1:To register on,please click on the sign up button.

Learn Freelancing: Sign Up

Step 2:fill in the details,choose a strong password,and enter the Captcha on the next page
Learn Freelancing: Fill in Details
Step 3: On the next page you will see different membership plans.Different membership plans give you different features.The most popular one is the standard membership plan which costs $24.95/month currently.Have a look at all of them and decide for your self.I took free membership plan at start,when I earned some money and then  I took the standard membership plan which definitely gives more flexibility and features.If you are a paid member,the client will see you as a more serious freelancer..

Learn Freelancing: Membership Plans
Step 4: After you select the membership plan,on the next page you will see a payment verification process by different methods.Skip this method for now if you want to work on,you can later do this process if at any point of time you want to hire also.Verify your payment method if want to hire on

Learn Freelancing: Verified Payment Methods

Step 5: On next page you will see the following can see that the account is 11% complete,you will get 3% more completion if you verify your will guide you through the profile completion phase.Freelancers having their profile 100% complete have more chance to win the project and more reliable.Click on verify your email shown in the red will send you an email to your email account,go to your email and click on the "Verify your email address" ,it will verify your email account and send you to your profile
Learn Freelancing: Profile Status
Step 6: After email verification you will see the following screen.Now you can see that your profile is 14% complete.Click on the red rectangle as show in screen to add your full name and more details  The name should be your real full name.If you add a fake full name,you will have problems while withdrawing money.

Learn Freelancing: Edit Profile
Step 7: After performing Step 6,you will see the following screen.Profile picture really shows who you are…you should have a profile picture with that professional smile on your face:). Work on profile picture in Photoshop to get it stand out. Please avoid uploading some marriage/trip/hang-out with friends event picture.

 Fill in the details correctly.After filling the details click on "Setup Security Number" as shown in the above figure.After clicking it you will see the following screen,enter your number without the zero for will receive through SMS a verification code,enter the code and click verify,and then click on Save button.

Learn Freelancing: SMS verification

Step 8:After performing Step 7,you will see the following screen,which shows that your profile is 15% complete.

Set up your hourly rate to make your profile complete by 22%. . Hourly rate should be based on your experience and the category you are working in.Technical jobs are highly paid than nontechnical jobs.If you do not have industry experience and are having experience at college level,you can set hourly rate from $5-$10 in a technical category.For nontechnical category,you can set it from $2-6$ at start.Obviously the hourly rate is not fixed,you can change it later based on your experience.

The first thing that your client will look in your profile is the subheading/tagline. If you bid on a project and your subheading is irrelevant to that project, there are very less chances that client will hire you. Subheading should be relevant to your skills, make it sellable like if you are an Electronics Engineer and you are expert (in real) in Matlab, make it like Electronics Engineer/Matlab Expert

The summary should be professional yet personal. Please show the client what you really are and avoid things like I have gazillion years of experience which you do not have .One trick that I used was to look at the profiles of other contractors in the category that I am working in, look what they have wrote, learn from them and write my own summary. Please do not copy other contractors summary to your profile. The summary should have

         -Facts with good marketing tone
         -Your years of experience
         -Skills that you are good at
         -What you bring extra to the table 
         -How you use those skills to solve the problems

Learn Freelancing: Resume

Step 8:After completing the hourly rate,subheading and summary part,Now is the time to add your portfolio projects.Your semester projects/Assignments/Reports can be your samples. Develop some samples/projects (smaller) in that area. The easiest way to develop samples can be many. You can work on projects of your friends, family or nephew--mother-grandmother‘s father. You can pick a project description from and work on it, calling it “project/Essay for myself”. Upload the sample,enter a title, brief description and a skill related to it.

Step 9: Now is time to complete your resume.It can be found below your profile picture.Add your experience.Experience can be of any thing like you did an internship,later you can change it.Add your education.Add your certificates even if you got it from a workshop held in your university.Publication can be your final year project report published by your university.In all description fields give full details of the education,experience,certificates and publications.

Hurraaaaah...Now your profile is 100% complete..:)

Thanx for you patience..have a bit more patience to get you to the next level...

Step 10:you can see in the below image that your current level is 4 and you need 85 more points to reach to level 5.The higher the level you have,the more you are seen by clients as a professional and reliable contractor.You can see that you have a 351 credits.The credits and level increase with more projects winning,bidding and completing the objectives as shown in the image.Exams are $5 per exam but you can use your credits to buy an exam.One exam is worth 500 credits.Complete the objectives as shown in the image..

Step 11:Read the terms of service, You will know about the policies and it will save from any problems in future like account suspension etc. Click on the the Exam tab,there are few Free exams,take these free exams and it will increase your level and credits. 
If you want to sell your designs,codes and projects,visit the Freemarket section.You can also participate in different contests posted on You can have loads of fun and money with Play around the Help section for more information on the whole working of the site.
For any help Contact me Here or use the comments section.
Best of Luck in your freelancing career,in start it would be a bit difficult:)


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